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How To Sell Your Iphone 5 64gb Verizon Phone To Gazelle

Posted by jen bak on

Selling Your Iphone 5 64gb Verizon Phone to Gazelle For Cash

With so many different places purchasing your smartphones that are sitting around your house for cash it can be hard to decide which option is best.

You want of course  to get the most money for your phone and Gazelle is one of the top places to do that.  They offer great service which is very important because sometimes not everything goes as planned.  They have been in business for a long time and have a great reputation for getting your money fast and hassle free.

I had a iphone 5 64gb verzion phone I was looking to get rid of and sent it in to Gazelle and got my my money fast. If you have a 5s or iphone 5 it does not matter they take it all.  I was just using that as an example because that is the phone I had to get rid of.

I also had an iphone 4 64gb verizon phone that I did not think had any value at all but I did get some money back for that as well.

So the first thing you want to do is check your verizon iphone imei before you try and sell your phone to because if it is backlisted by verizon then you will not get any money for.  You can check it at checkesnfree  .  It is free, fast and easy to do.

Now to sell your used verizon iphone to gazelle to go to there website and check what they are offering for it.  On the front page of there website you will see the sell your phone icon just click on that and your on your way to getting some cash for your phone.

If your still on the fence about sending your phone into them just check our there reselleratings.  From there you can see how many happy customers they have had.





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